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Editorial Activities

Research articles (dblp, MathSciNet)

  1. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, M. Kapl, R. Vázquez (2022)
    Adaptive isogeometric methods with C1 (truncated) hierarchical splines on planar multi-patch domains
  2. C. Giannelli, T. Kanduč, M. Martinelli, G. Sangalli, M. Tani (2022)
    Weighted quadrature for hierarchical B-splines
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 400, 115465 (arXiv:2109.12632).
  3. C. Giannelli, L. Sacco, A. Sestini (2022)
    Interpolation of 3D data streams with C2 PH quintic splines
    Advances in Computational Mathematics 48, Article number: 61 (arXiv:2108.12948).
  4. A. Buffa, G. Gantner, C. Giannelli, D. Praetorius, R. Vázquez (2022)
    Mathematical foundations of adaptive isogeometric analysis
    Arch. Comput. Methods. Engrg. 29pages 4479–4555 (arXiv:2107.02023).
  5. A. Falini, C. Giannelli, T. Kanduč, M. L. Sampoli, A. Sestini (2022)
    A collocation IGA-BEM for 3D potential problems on unbounded domains
    In: C. Manni, H. Speleers (eds.), Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis, Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 49,  arXiv:2204.02607
  6. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, D. Großmann, S. Imperatore, D. Mokriš, A. Sestini (2022)
    THB-spline approximations for turbine blade design with local B-spline approximations
    In: Barrera, D., Remogna, S., Sbibih, D. (eds), Mathematical and Computational Methods for Modelling, Approximation and Simulation. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Vol. 29, 63-82, arXiv:2003.08706
  7. A. Buffa, C. Giannelli (2021)
    Remarks on Poincaré and interpolation estimates for truncated hierarchical B-splines
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 31, 525-535.
  8. C. Bracco, D. Cho, C. Giannelli, R. Vázquez (2021)
    BPX Preconditioners for Isogeometric Analysis Using (Truncated) Hierarchical B-splines
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 379Article number 113742, arXiv:1912.12073
  9. D. Medeiros Selegato, C. Bracco, C.~Giannelli, G. Parigi, C. Luchinat, L. Sgheri, E. Ravera (2021)
    Comparison of different reweighting approaches for the calculation of conformational variability of macromolecules from molecular simulations
    ChemPhysChem 22, 127-138.
  10. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, M. Kapl, R. Vázquez (2020)
    Isogeometric analysis with C1 hierarchical functions on planar two-patch geometries
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80, 2538–2562, arXiv:1901.09689
  11. C. Bracco, O. Davydov, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini (2019)
    Fault and gradient fault detection and reconstruction from scattered data
    Computer Aided Geometric Design 76, Article number 101786
  12. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2019)
    New developments in theory, algorithms, and applications for Pythagorean-hodograph curves
    In: C. Giannelli and H. Speleers (eds.), Advanced Methods for Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation, Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 35, 127-177.
  13. M. Carraturo, C. Giannelli, A. Reali, R. Vázquez (2019)
    Suitably graded THB-spline refinement and coarsening: Towards an adaptive isogeometric analysis of additive manufacturing processes
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 348, 660-679, arXiv:1811.00358
  14. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2019)
    Rational minimal-twist motions on curves with rotation-minimizing Euler-Rodrigues frames
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
     352, 240-254.
  15. A. Falini, C. Giannelli, T. Kanduč, M. L. Sampoli, A. Sestini (2019)
    An adaptive IgA-BEM with hierarchical B-splines based on quasi-interpolation quadrature schemes
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, to appear.
  16. C. Giannelli, T. Kanduč, F. Pelosi, H. Speleers (2019)
    An immersed-isogeometric model: application to linear elasticity and implementation with THBox-splines
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, to appear.
  17. C. Bracco, A. Buffa, C. Giannelli, R. Vázquez (2019)
    Adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: an overview
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 39, 241-261.
  18. C. Bracco, O. Davydov, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini (2018)
    An application of numerical differentiation formulas to discontinuity curve detection from irregularly sampled data
    Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell’Università e del Politecnico di Torino 76, 69-76, arXiv:1812.07399
  19. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, R. Vázquez (2018)
    Refinement algorithms for adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines
    Axioms 7(3), 43.
  20. C. Giannelli, D. Mugnaini, A. Sestini (2018)
    C² continuous time-dependent feedrate scheduling with configurable kinematic constraints
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 63, 78-95.
  21. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, D. Großmann, A. Sestini (2018)
    Adaptive fitting with THB-splines: error analysis and industrial applications
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 62, 239-252.
  22. A. Buffa, C. Giannelli (2017)
    Adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: optimality and convergence rates
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 27, 2781-2802.
  23. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini (2017)
    Coefficient–based spline data reduction by hierarchical spaces
    (M. Floater et al., eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10521, pp. 23-41.
  24. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini (2017)
    Adaptive scattered data fitting by extension of local approximations to hierarchical splines
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53, 90-105.
  25. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, D. Mugnaini, A. Sestini (2017)
    Path planning with Pythagorean-hodograph curves for unmanned or autonomous vehicles
    Journal of Aerospace Engineering, in press.
  26. T. Kanduc, C. Giannelli, F. Pelosi, H. Speleers (2017)
    Adaptive isogeometric analysis with hierarchical box splines
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316, 817-838.
  27. R. T. Farouki, G. Gentili, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini, C. Stoppato (2017)
    A comprehensive characterization of the set of polynomial curves with rational rotation-minimizing frames
    Advances in Computational Mathematics, 43, 1-24.
  28. M. Donatelli, C. Giannelli, D. Mugnaini, A. Sestini (2017)
    Curvature continuous path planning and path finding based on PH splines with tension
    Computer-Aided Design, 88, 14-30.
  29. F. Pelosi, C. Giannelli, C. Manni, M. L. Sampoli, H. Speleers (2017)
    Splines over regular triangulations in numerical simulations
    Computer Aided Design, 82, 100-111.
  30. A. Buffa, C. Giannelli, P. Morgenstern, D. Peterseim (2016)
    Complexity of hierarchical refinements for strictly admissible meshes
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 47, 83-92.
  31. A. Buffa, E. M. Garau, C. Giannelli, G. Sangalli (2016)
    On quasi-interpolation operators in spline spaces
    Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 114, pp. 73-91.
  32. C. Giannelli, D. Mugnaini, A. Sestini (2016)
    Path planning with obstacle avoidance by G^1 PH quintic splines
    Computer-Aided Design, 75-76, 47-60
  33. C. Bracco, C. Giannelli, F. Mazzia, A. Sestini (2016)
    Hierarchical Hermite spline quasi-interpolation
    BIT Numerical Mathematics, 56, 1165-1188
  34. C. Giannelli, B. Jüttler, S. K. Kleiss, A. Mantzaflaris, B. Simeon, J. Špeh (2016)
    THB-splines: An effective mathematical technology for adaptive refinement in geometric design and isogeometric analysis
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 299, 337-365
  35. A. Buffa, C. Giannelli (2016)
    Adaptive isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: Error estimator and convergence
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 26, 1-25
  36. R. T. Farouki, G. Gentili, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini, C. Stoppato (2016)
    Solution of a quadratic quaternion equation with mixed coefficients
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 74, 140-151.
  37. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, A. Sestini (2016)
    Local modification of Pythagorean-hodograph quintic spline curves using the B-spline form
    Advances in Computational Mathematics, 42, 199-225
  38. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2015)
    Identification and “reverse engineering” of Pythagorean-hodograph curves
    Computer Aided Geometric Design34, 21-36.
  39. G. Kiss, C. Giannelli, U. Zore, B. Jüttler, D. Großmann, and J. Barner (2014)
    Adaptive CAD model (re-)construction with THB-splines
    Graphical Models76, 273-288.
  40. D. Mokriš, B. Jüttler, C.Giannelli (2014)
    On the completeness of hierarchical tensor-product B-splines
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics271, 53-70.
  41. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, M. L. Sampoli, and A. Sestini (2014)
    Rotation-minimizing osculating frames
    Computer Aided Geometric Design31, 27-42.
  42. C. Giannelli, B. Jüttler and H. Speleers (2014),
    Strongly stable bases for adaptively refined multilevel spline spaces,
    Advances in Computational Mathematics40, 459-490.
  43. G. Kiss, C. Giannelli, and B. Jüttler (2014)
    Algorithms and data structures for truncated hierarchical B-splines
    (M. Floater et al., eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8177, pp. 304–323.
  44. C. Giannelli, B. Jüttler (2013)
    Local and adaptive refinement with hierarchical B-splines
    Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana6, 735-740.
  45. C. Giannelli and B. Jüttler (2013)
    Bases and dimensions of bivariate hierarchical tensor-product splines
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics239, 162-178.
  46. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2013)
    An interpolation scheme for designing rational rotation-minimizing camera motion
    Advances in Computational Mathematics38, 63–82.
  47. C. Giannelli, B. Jüttler and H. Speleers (2012)
    THB-splines: the truncated basis for hierarchical splines
    Computer Aided Geometric Design29, 485–498.
  48. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, C. Manni, and A. Sestini (2012)
    Design of rational rotation–minimizing rigid body motions by Hermite interpolation
    Mathematics of Computation81, 879-903.
  49. A.-V. Vuong, C. Giannelli, B. Jüttler, and B. Simeon (2011)
    A hierarchical approach to adaptive local refinement in isogeometric analysis
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering200, 3554-3567.
  50. C. Giannelli and L. Biard (2011)
    On the interpolation of concentric curvature elements
    Computer Aided Design  43, 586–597.
  51. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2010)
    Geometric design using space curves with rational rotation–minimizing frames
    (M. Daehlen et al., eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5862, pp. 194-208.
  52. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, C. Manni, and A. Sestini (2009)
    Quintic space curves with rational rotation–minimizing frames
    Computer Aided Geometric Design 26, 580–592.
  53. R. T. Farouki and C. Giannelli (2009)
    Spatial camera orientation control by rotation–minimizing directed frames
    Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 20, 457–472.
  54. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2009)
    Helical polynomial curves and double Pythagorean hodographs II. Enumeration of low-degree curves
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 44, 307–332.
  55. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, and A. Sestini (2009)
    Helical polynomial curves and double Pythagorean hodographs I. Quaternion and Hopf map representations
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 44, 161–179.
  56. R. T. Farouki, C. Giannelli, C. Manni, and A. Sestini (2008)
    Identification of spatial PH quintic Hermite interpolants with near–optimal shape measures
    Computer Aided Geometric Design 25, 274–297.